COVID-19 UPDATE: We are open and providing Safe Psychiatry and counseling services, primarily via telephone and telemedicine platforms. Call our office for details.
Psychiatric medication decisions are made in collaboration with the client and provider. These are aimed at treating the individual and not just a diagnosis. The best option(s) are chosen after a careful mental health assessment. Medication regimens are tailored over time based on clients’ needs.
Psychiatric needs are fluid and may change over time. Thorough assessment is done to determine the best course of action and is continually reassessed as each individual and their needs change.
We will work with you to determine which services will best suit you, whether that is counseling or health/wellness coaching.
Limited primary care services are available. We also offer STI testing and HIV Prep services.
We offer medication management for the treatment of obesity.
Labs are often needed to rule out medical causes of psychiatric symptoms. We contract with a lab company to help you receive affordable labs.